Wednesday, 12 October 2011

My very own little rouges

These little red beauties are my current obsession! 

Don't mind if I do...

As my university friends know- I know how to do a good anti-pasti. 

In my time living away from home, cured meats, artichokes and olives were my baked beans on toast. 

Not because I turn up my nose at a Henry J Bean but more for the reason that as much as I adore food, I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in cooking it. And as much as I've tried to force myself, I have come to accept the fact that I really can't be arsed and probably never will be.

So onto the point of my blog post- these little babies.

The perfect treat for the lazy eater, and honestly, they're so good they're better than chocolate!!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Romancing Red Lions and Roquefort

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Ok as much as I'd like to believe that I'm a bit of a foodie (I really am honestly), I have two weaknesses that can take to me nose-diving to the depths of disgusting. My culinary achilies heels...

Eggs and Cheese,

Totally respectable foods in themselves- enjoying the perfect Eggs Royale or delectable cheese board is the height of good eating in my opinion. Cheese is one of the simplest pleasures in life and growing up on the island and living in France, cheese has always been a food very close to my heart. 

But the time it takes me to work through a entire wedge of brie, devour a block of chedder or stuff myself with an eggy concoction paired with a disconcerting amount of mayonnaise is almost unhealthy...I'm like lightning.

SO you can imagine my excitement right now. Not ONLY is it National British Egg Week starting today but ALSO the Cheese and Wine Festival at Southbank Centre the whole weekend.

I genuinely feel like I've died and gone to heaven. 

Eggs & cheese washed down with a glass or two of wine, there isn't too much I can think of that could beat it!! My life-long love of food continues.

Friday, 7 October 2011

A little bit of Blogger Lovin'

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